What hazards does the surgical mask protect us from?
The surgical mask is one of the most efficient methods used in order to prevent the transmission of germs produced by certain influenza viruses, including COVID-19. It is indicated that the mask be worn both by sick persons, in order to prevent the spread of respiratory infections, and also by healthy persons, who show no symptoms, in order to protect themselves from an eventual illness.
The usage of the surgical mask has to be joined by a series of several other protective measures. Starting with social distancing, the one which can considerably reduce the infection risk, and continuing with a rigorous personal hygiene. Hands needs to be washed with water and soap as often as possible, and the antibacterial gel should not miss from any daily luggage.
Considering the actual context, as wearing surgical masks has become mandatory in indoor spaces, however these do not limit only the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. A mask which is correctly used represents an important barrier against the flu, the cold, but also against the influenza viruses, which can be spread through airborne particles. The moment that a person sneezes or coughs, his/her mouth has to be covered by his/her arm, not by his/her palm, irrespective of the fact that the mask is worn or not.
In order to prevent the infection with the COVID-19 virus, a few simple measures are indicated:
– Avoiding crowded areas where the risk of disease is high,
– Adopting a balanced diet, from which the consumption of fruits and vegetables should not be missed, but also
– Wearing a surgical mask in both closed and open spaces, as long as the area is populated, wearing a distance of at least 1 meter from other people.
These preventive measures can help you protect yourself from the A and B flu viruses, which are to be encountered, especially during the seasonal flu, in case you did not get a vaccination for them.
How to use the surgical mask correctly?
The surgical mask has been designed especially in order to protect the respiratory system. Since it is a disposable mask, it can be used only one time and no longer than 4 hours. Immediately after using the mask, it should be put in a plastic bag and thrown in the garbage can. Regarding the unused masks, these should be kept in dry places, away from the sunshine.
The surgical mask has to be worn with the colored side out, while perfectly covering the nose, the mouth and the chin. The surgical mask should fit snugly against the face, as it is indicated, with its sides as close to the cheeks as possible. The aluminum strip, covered in PVC is going to make it easier to fix the mask around the nose, limiting the air coming in and out through the mask.
The structure of the surgical mask
The 3 layer surgical masks are assigned as a first class medical device. It is made of an outer layer and an inner one, both made of polypropylene, while the filtration fabric, which is the middle layer, is made of Meltblown polypropylene. In order to produce and to register them on the market, the manufacturer needs to receive the approval of the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Romania. If you’ve searched for “price surgical mask”, you’ve probably noticed that it differs from manufacturer to manufacturer, but it also depends on the color, print and design of the mask.
Cube Medica is an accredited manufacturer and supplier of surgical masks, which can meet any type of order regarding medical equipment and supplies, having the possibility to deliver them worldwide.